Skills Bootcamps

Retraining and upskilling the Solent’s workforce

Skills Bootcamps are free, flexible courses of up to 16 weeks for adults aged 19 or over, primarily aimed at delivering training that is co-designed with employers to respond to skills shortages.

At its heart, Skills Bootcamps are designed to support adults to retrain and upskill in local priority sectors, ultimately supporting economic growth in the Solent.

Watch short video testimonials from previous learners and course leaders.

Current Skills Bootcamps can be found on the tiles below. Click on the relevant link to find out more and to get in touch with our training providers.

Gaming Indie Devs – Get Pitch Ready
Business Skills for Creatives
Catering and Hospitality
Digital Marketing
Maritime Transport and Logistics
NHS Support Worker
Screen Industries
Software Development

To register your interest for these upcoming courses – please email with the words ‘Skills Bootcamps‘ in the subject line.

Skills Bootcamps are available to:

• Adults looking to update or build skills

• Employers looking to shape courses that support the upskilling of their current team, or to recruit additional, newly trained team members

Duration: Up to 16 weeks

Age: Adults over the age of 19

Course type: Classroom-based, on-the-job, online, short courses

Cost: Skills Bootcamps are funded by the government and are free for those who are unemployed or self-employed.

Employers sending their staff to courses will need to make a small financial contribution per learner.

Watch this video of Giles Collighan, Founder of The Portsmouth distillery speak about his experience with our Digital Marketing Bootcamp.

Who is it for?


As an employer, you may be experiencing a skills shortage in your business and in the sector generally.

Come and talk to us about shaping Skills Bootcamps to train and employ your future staff.


Do you need new skills to take your business to the next level?

Are you a freelancer or consultant who could benefit from business skills?

Are you running a business through which you’d like to embed a greener approach?

Look how Skills Bootcamps can support you to grow your business.

Individuals looking to upskill

Are you in the wrong job and need new skills to work in a different sector?

Are you unemployed and need to upskill in order to apply for the job you want?

Whatever your reason, take a look at what Skills Bootcamps have to offer, so that you can take the next step in your career development.

Giles Collighan, founder of the Portsmouth distillery, successfully completed the Digital Marketing Skills Bootcamp

We’ve already started to see positive changes within the business as we’re properly planning ahead with our social media posts to raise awareness of our products and engage with people to build up customer loyalty.

I’d definitely recommend the Skills Bootcamps to any business owner.

Giles Collighan, founder of the Portsmouth Distillery, successfully completed the Digital Marketing Skills Bootcamp

Coding Days
help adults and children learn and share digital skills

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