Cyber Security

The government has launched various initiatives to help businesses and individuals take basic steps towards reducing the risk of cyber crime :

  • 10 steps to cyber security
  • Get safe online
  • Be Cyber Streetwise  a cross-government campaign, funded by the National Cyber Security Programme, and delivered in partnership with the private and voluntary sectors. The campaign is led by the Home Office, working closely with the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and the Cabinet Office. It aims to measurably and significantly improve the online safety behaviour and confidence of consumers and small businesses (SMEs).
  • The Cyber Essentials  scheme identifies some fundamental technical security controls that an organisation needs to have in place to help defend against Internet-borne threats. All suppliers must be compliant with the new Cyber Essentials controls if bidding for government contracts which involve handling of sensitive and personal information and provision of certain technical products and services.

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